Senator Dimka's Determination For A Better Plateau Central Is Unassuming– SLA ND Shehu Kanam

– SLA ND Shehu Kanam

Dear Plateau Central Constituents,

We are writing to thank you all for sharing your views with us about the Distinguished Senator, and how you felt about what we do or ought to do.

The Distinguished Senator is very much committed to his tasks of representing the people of Plateau Central Zone effectively.

His determination for a better Plateau Central is unassuming. So far he has lightened more than 40 communities with solar powered streetlights from Bokkos down to Kanam. This is indeed unprecedented!

The expansion of electricity in some LGA including Kanam, Pankshin, Mangu and Bokkos is ongoing.

About three weeks ago, the Distinguished Senator Hezekiah Dimka distributed empowerment to more than 500 persons with tricycles, motorcycles, water pumping machines, sewing machines, and knapsack sprayers.

On the issue of employment opportunities, we will indeed unveil the names of people the Distinguished did help in securing appointment for them in our forthcoming magazine on his stewardship for the consumption of his constituents and the general public.

Other critical capital projects are being expected to commence across the Zone.

On the 2023 politics, at an appropriate time after effective consultations the Distinguished would definitely speak out to his constituents.

At this material time, we wish to appeal to constituents to continue support and pray for our Boss, Sen. Dimka to discharge his mandate effectively.

I wish to sincerely appreciate the commitment of my colleagues on the media front like Mr. Alfred Makut (Munatare), Victor Gutul Silas, Sylvester Sly, and our elder brother Mr. Katdapba Gobum for their tremendous commitment in projecting the Distinguished Senator and his activities.

We are proud of you!

Our support for progress and development of Plateau Central through our Principal, Senator Dimka is an unending and unwavering one.

The detractors would definitely have no reason for merriment at the end.

Senator Dimka, still the dependable man to Trust!

ND Shehu Kanam
Senior Legislative Aide to Senator Dimka of Plateau Central and Chairman Senate Committee on Drugs and Narcotics.


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