NULGE: Barkin Ladi Local Government Workers Elected New Officials

Barkin Ladi Local Government workers have elected new Nigerian Union of Local Government Employees
(NULGE) officials to pilot the affairs of the Union in the next four years yesterday at the Budget Chambers. 
This affirmation was done by a representative of the State NULGE  Electoral Committee Salome Ladan as all of the positions vied for by the contestants were unopposed. Salome Ladan of the State NULGE supervised the process which was done in a peaceful atmosphere
Shortly after the election was concluded Oath Commissioner, Barr. Musa Haruna Davou administered the oath of office to the new NULGE EXCO accordingly.
In his good will message Deputy Director Personnel Management ( DDPM) David Danar applauded the staff for peaceful election; charged the newly  NULGE EXCO to live above board as they pilot the mandate of the civil servants during their tenure. He further advised them to be partners in progress with the management for growth and development of the Council, Stater and the Country at large.
Responding on behalf of the newly elected EXCO , the Chairman Comrade Francis  Kim  promised to operate an open door: pledged to carter for staff welfare as utmost priority. 
Those sworn for Consensus positions were 
1.Comrade Francis .C. Kim as Chairman 
2.Comrade Dashe Louis Benedict as vice Chairman
3.Comrade Ishaku Daniel Tasuwam as Secretary
4.Comrade Logwong Gyang Pam as Assistant Secretary
5.Comrade Piyandat Josiah Tang'en as Auditor
6.Comrade Gavou Gyang as Treasurer
7.Comrade Is a Audu Maren as Young Worker
8.Comrade Madu Naomi Bassu as chairperson women committee
9.Comrade Bala Bulus Chiroma as Trustee.


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